lara’s tarot
My take on the tarot deck really began as a way for me to grieve by counting my blessings; to map out my community and give them their flowers while we’re all here together. I love ritual and romance, and wanted to make the experiences that shaped me and the people who love me into something really sacred and deeply personal. As I’ve grown into my queerness, I’ve found comfort in referencing the “almost witchcraft” my babcias practiced - herbal remedies, the laying of hands, prayer card altars. I’ve found tarot to be magic because it’s an alternate way of looking at big questions - the same way I view creating artwork as an abolitionist practice because it informs dreaming of something better and more tender than what we have now. I see tarot as a tool to hold that tenderness and help guide through challenges.
I wanted my deck to be visually legible to a tarot card reader with familiar motifs and figures, but have an element of my own vulnerability. Each card references a photo of a person or event in my life that is truly significant, and deserves to be honored. I chose to complete this newest series, the suit of cups, because cups symbolize the emotions, desire, and the inner self. This an extreme exercise in vulnerability and wearing my heart on my sleeve.
emily + ian (2023)
three of swords, reversed (2023)